
Crystal Moon-Chapter 6

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"They were talking about my arranged marriage again..."twelve-year-old Serenity pouted, tossing a daisy head into the water. InuYasha looked over to the princess worriedly.

"If you get married... we can't hang out anymore, can we?"

The blond shook her head. "But you don't have to worry, because that's not gonna happen. I don't want to marry some old guy I don't even like!"

"You said he was only three years older than you..."

"That's still old!"the blond frowned, her friend laughing.

"Serenity-sama!"a stern voice said. Serenity jumped and immediately spun around, seeing both Sailors Uranus and Neptune standing behind her, the sunlight glinting off the silver of their skirts and collars.

"T-Tenousei! Kaiousei!"Serenity stuttered. InuYasha wasn't sure exactly who these two were, so he quickly placed himself protectively between Serenity and the two strangers.

"This is the guy you've been sneaking off to see?"Uranus said with a frown. "Serenity-sama, he's a youkai!"

"No, he's a hanyou!"Serenity corrected from behind InuYasha, clinging to his red kimono sleeve.

"Ten-chan, relax."Neptune chuckled to her best friend as her transformation melted away. Uranus frowned at the aquamarine-haired girl as she approached the hanyou. She then turned to the other Senshi.

"I don't sense any animosity from him, Ten-chan. He doesn't mean any of us any harm, least of all Serenity-sama."

"Kai-chan... are you sure?"Uranus asked with a frown. She normally wouldn't doubt Kaiousei's senses, especially with her mirror, but this was a matter of life or death for their princess after all.

"Yes, I'm certain."Kaiousei nodded.

Uranus let out a sigh before allowing her own transformation to fade away. She stepped up beside Kaiousei in front of the hanyou, looking him up and down calculatingly. She then looked to the blond-haired princess, still clinging to the hanyou. The look in the princess' eyes, she knew exactly what that was. This hanyou boy was more than just a friend to her...

"Serenity-sama... I know what's going on here."the older princess said. "You need to think about what you're doing. Your marriage..."

"I'm not marrying him!"Serenity interrupted. "I don't care what Mama says, I'm going to marry someone I love! And I don't love-!"


"Usagi, are you alright?"Makoto questioned the blond. The brunette was again wearing the clothing she'd had on when she'd last been in her own time period. The two, along with most of the others, were standind in the square of the lakeside town they'd found themselves in, while Miroku was off attaining lodgings for the night, draggin Rei along with him. The miko still did not look kindly on the monk's trickery, but had decided it was a necesarry evil if they wanted to sleep comfortably.

"I'm fine, Mako-chan..."Usagi murmured. "It's just..."she frowned in confusion. "I've been getting my memories of Inu-chan back little by little, in my dreams. But the most recent... it was a little confusing."

"What happened?"

"Well... there was a lot of talk about some arranged marriage."the blond murmured.

"Arranged marriage, huh?"Makoto pondered. "I don't really remember anything about that, but it wouldn't surprise me. I mean, historically that's common among royalty and nobles, right? Do you know who it was to?"

"No, I woke up before I could figure that out."

Miroku and Rei returned to the group a moment later, both looking concerned.

"Well? How'd it go?"InuYasha questioned.

"It seems my... expertise were not exactly required."Miroku tried to joke, but Rei gave him a glare before turning to the others.

"The village elder said that they actually are having problems with a youkai."the miko explained. "Some sort of kappa or something of the sort is in the lake, and it's been attacking people. Thankfully no one has been killed, but it seems the attacks are getting more and more violent."

"Let me guess-you volunteered us to handle it?"InuYasha said in annoyance.

"Of coure, you stupid mutt!"Rei snapped. "We can't just leave these people to be attacked!"

"Rei-chan's right."Usagi said, looking up at InuYasha with big, pleading blue eyes. InuYasha looked at that face for a minute before letting out a defeated sigh. As much as she claimed not to be the same as Serenity, she'd certainly mastered the puppy dog eyes that the Moon Princess had used on him countless times, knowing he could never refuse.

"Alright, fine, we'll help."he sighed.


"This lake is huge..."Makoto muttered, looking along the banks of the body of water. "Maybe we should split up?"

"That's probably best."Sango agreed.

"I'm going with Serenity."InuYasha said. He knew that Rei and Makoto wouldn't let him get away with separating their princess from both of them, but he definitely did not feel like dealing with Rei right now. "Mokusei, you come with us."

Rei frowned, but decided as long as Makoto was with Usagi, she should be fine.

"Then I'll go with Kagome-san."

"I suppose that just leaves you and I, Sango."Miroku grinned.

"And me!"Shippou exclaimed, jumping up onto the monk's shoulder. Usagi laughed at the suddenly disappointed look on the dark-haired male's face.


"Still nothing..."InuYasha muttered to Makoto as they continued examining their section of the lake. Usagi had gotten tired some time earlier, and was now asleep astride the hanyou's back. "Maybe we should see if the others are having any luck."

"Maybe..."the brunette glanced over, noticing the content look on her blond friend's sleeping face. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"What?"the hanyou asked hesitantly.

"Exactly what sort of relationship did you have with Usagi-chan? You seem to act really... different with her than with anyone else."

InuYasha averted his gaze, answering softly. "Serenity was a... good friend. The only real friend I had for most of my life..."

Makoto studied the look on the hanyou's face, realization dawning on her.

"You loved her, didn't you?"

Before the hanyou even had a chance to answer, a rumbling sound came from the lake. InuYasha and Makoto both turned to the body of water moments before a torrent of water burst upward from the lake, water raining down on them in droplets. Usagi was awakened by the droplets hitting her face, groggily blinking her eyes before realizing what was going on.

"Is that the kappa?!"the blond exclaimed in shock.

"One way to find out. Jupiter Shikon Power! Make Up!"

As Jupiter's transformation completed, a bell-like laugh echoed around them.

"How cute, Makoto. You actually think you can fight me."

"That voice!"Jupiter gasped.

"No... it can't be..."Usagi whimpered as she slipped down from InuYasha's back.

The torrential wall of water split apart like a curtain, revealing a figure standing on the surface of the lake. Aquamarine-colored curls cascaded down her shoulders, framing a pale face inset with teal eyes. Her form was covered by almost familiar clothing, but darker, more sinister.

"Mi-Michiru-san?"Usagi said uncertainly. It certainly looked like the Senshi of the Sea, but why would she be attacking innocent people.

"It's been a while, Usagi."Neptune said with an evil grin. "Ah, I see you've found the dog."she chuckled to herself. "To think I used to think a mutt like you was good enough for a princess."

"Kaiousei..."InuYasha growled. "How could you do this?! You were Serenity's friend! Her guardian! You're supposed to be protecting her!"

Neptune let out an amused laugh. "Maybe that was the case in my previous life. Back then, she was something worth protecting. She was going to be the salvation of our kingdom. But now..."she laughed again. "She isn't truly Serenity anymore. She's nothing but a crybaby, who's never been able to do anything on her own!"

"Michiru!"Jupiter snapped. "How can you say that?!"

"Isn't it true, Makoto?"Neptune said, tossing a wave of curls over her shoulder. "She's never been able to truly defeat an enemy truly on her own. She's always called on power from the rest of us... even if we were wounded or killed."

"But that's our duty!"Makoto argued.

"No!"Neptune glared. "Our duty was to keep Serenity alive, and to protect the Moon Kingdom! It's no concern of ours what happens to the Earth!"

"But the Earth is our home now, Michiru-san!"Usagi exclaimed, trying to reason with her guard. "It's where all our friends and loved ones are! It's where we were born!"

"Shut up!"Neptune snapped, raising her hands in front of her. "I've found a new lord to serve, someone who's able to rely on their own power! I don't need you anymore! Submarine Violent Tide!"

A violent torrent of water burst from Neptune's hands, plummeting toward Usagi. The blond's eyes widened in shock, and she was frozen in fear.

"Serenity!"InuYasha pushed Usagi out of the way, into Jupiter's arms, taking the blast full force. He hit a large tree behind him, grunting in pain as the wind was knocked out of him.

"Inu-chan!"Usagi screamed, struggling to get loose from Jupiter. She managed to shake off the Senshi's grip and ran over to the hanyou, kneeling beside him and leaning over him. "Inu-chan! Inu-chan! Are you okay?!"

InuYasha blinked golden eyes blearily. He'd forgotten how much even the most harmless-looking attack from a Sailor Senshi could hurt. His head was killing him, and he was having trouble properly collecting his thoughts.

"M-Mokusei..."he managed to say, sitting up carefully. "She's obviously not one of your allies anymore. If she's left to her own devices, she'll keep hurting people, starting with Serenity. I'd say it's high time... she gets her ass kicked!"

Neptune laughed. "Oh, the little doggie thinks he's a match for me? Well we'll just see about that!"

"Supreme Thunder!"

Neptune quickly dodged out of the way of the younger Senshi's attack, chuckling to herself.

"My, sneak attacks, Makoto? Where is your Soldier pride?"

"You're a fine one to talk about Soldier pride!"the brunette snapped, electricity crackling in her hands. "A true Soldier never abandons their mission! And our mission is to protect Usagi-chan!"

"You just don't get it, do you?"Neptune smirked. "Our mission was to protect our Princess Serenity, not this crybaby brat who happens to share her soul."

"She's still our Princess! You know how the future is going to be! You know she'll become Queen and everything will be better!"

Neptune laughed derisively. "You really are a fool! Very well then, if you're prepared to die for the twit then so be it! Submarine Violent-"

"Flame Sniper!"

Neptune's eyes widened as the burning arrow shot past her, striking her arm. She cried out in pain, clutching at the wound as she whipped around to see Mars, the others rushing up behind her.

"Dammit..."Neptune cursed. She didn't really want to risk fighting so many of them alone, but if she just ran away, Naraku would not be happy.

"Michiru, what the hell?!"Rei snapped. "How could you sell out to that bastard?!"

"Don't act so innocent, Rei."Neptune said, glaring at the Senshi of Fire. "If you were in our position, you'd have done the same thing."

"No way! I would never betray Usagi!"

"Neptune..."a quite voice spoke, Kanna appearing beside the Ocean Senshi a moment later. "It's time to return... Naraku has summoned you."

"You've got great timing..."Neptune chuckled, before looking at Usagi. "You'd better keep your guard up. Your number will be up."

Kanna placed a hand on Neptune's arm, and a moment later, the two vanished.

"Are you alright?"Kagome exclaimed, rushing over to InuYasha and the two Senshi.

"I'm fine..."InuYasha said, still wincing.

"We should get back to the town and let InuYasha rest."Miroku said. "Now that the so-called kappa is gone, things should be quieting down."


Usagi stared up at the moon, tucking a strand of her now-loose blond hair behind her ear. All those things Michiru had said... Was that what she really thought of her? Or was it just because that youkai had control of her?

"Serenity."Usagi turned to find InuYasha standing behind her. "You should get some sleep."

"Inu-chan... Am I... Am I really that terrible?"the hanyou's golden eyes widened in shock, seeing the girl's own blue eyes filling with tears. "I know... I know I'm not the same now as I was as Serenity. But am I really as terrible as Michiru-san says?"

"Serenity..."the hanyou wrapped his arms around her, holding her comfortingly as she sobbed again his chest.

"My own friends can't stand me! I... I don't know what to do!"

"Serenity, none of the things she said are true."he assured her. "I'm sure it was all Naraku's control, making her behave that way."

"But what if it wasn't?"she whimpered. "What if those were really her thoughts, and she just kept them to herself because she's one of my guards?"

"No... I don't think so. Kaiousei... she was never that cruel. And that's one thing I'm sure wouldn't change just because she's been reborn."

The blond sniffled, pulling back a bit to wipe the tears from her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Inu-chan. I sholdn't be crying over this. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"It's alright."he assured her. "After all, you did the same thing for me all those years ago."

She smiled softly. "I guess that's true. Thank you, Inu-chan."

"No problem."the hanyou smiled. "Now come on. You should get some sleep."

The blond nodded, allowing the hanyou to lead her back into the building where they were staying with his arm around her shoulders. She leaned against him, feeling safe and content. She realized that she always seemed to feel that way around the hanyou. It must be a feeling returning from her previous life.

But there was also something that she wasn't even aware of:Mamoru hadn't crossed her thoughts even minutely in days.
Chapter Title:Siren

After getting over my writer's block on the previous chapter, I was able to shell out this one in about twleve hours. Bringing in more drama, both in the present and Usagi's memories as Serenity. And I managed to bring in my favorite Naraku incarnation, even if it was only momentarily.

As Makoto stated, in history it is in fact very common for royalty and nobility to have arranged marriages, sometimes even arranged before their born, such as one family arranging for their first born daughter to marry another's first born son. The Moon Kingdom obviously being a monarchy, I figured it was very possible for that to have been the case for them. Anyone have any ideas on who Serenity's arranged fiance was? *ninja shifty eyes*

The theme song of this chapter is "Arrival of Tears" by Ayane from the anime "11eyes".

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